Gorilla Girl: Actors Bring Reading To Life

Scene 1, Gorilla Girl – Meeting of Keith and Catherine


Gorilla Girl, had its first reading at ArtsPlace, Lexington, KY,  on September 7, 2018 or 07/09/18 as Keith in the play would argue. The actors who served as readers brought the characters to life and if the comments are any indication, Gorilla Girl will have a long life on a stage near you in the future. Stay tuned for video clips.  Thanks to: Emma Grace Imes, Isaac Barnes, Elena Newburg and Jeanine Lister for bringing to life the complex relationships of Catherine, Keith and Nikki.

IMG_E3864A strong, challenging play that deserves a production. 

I already told one of my friends about the story and invited her when the play comes to stage.

The dialogue was spot on.

Beautiful chaos

I think people will relate…because being in a situation like either of them are in can make you do and say things you never thought you would

It was a well told story that sucked me in and I really wanted to know what happened next. It feels very real and if you’ve ever dated someone in today’s modern age, very familiar and relatable.

Interesting how you’ve put “married relationships,” as well as other ideas Western society upholds, under the light.





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