Student Director at the Helm of Arts Activism in Mississippi

Ariel William will see the fruition of her work take the stage May 3, 2017 as Mississippi School of Math and Science in Columbus, MS brings May I Have Your Attention, Please? to the stage. William has the distinction of being the first student director for May I Have Your Attention, Please? in her state.

‘The students have enjoyed working on the play, and embrace its activism.” Dr. Easterling

The cast has been so gracious as to give us a sneak peak from their rehearsals as they prepare to spread the message via this play. They plan to utilize counselors at their school to answer any questions at the conclusion of the play. What a great way to start the dialogue that may change or save a life. #BreakLegs and thanks for using the Arts for Activism!  #Theatre4Change


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Jackson Sparkman (Chris Borthwick)

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(l to r): Calvin Hu (Keith Borthwick); Cloie Garris (Lilly Borthwick), Brenda Borthwick (Sage Schaumburg), and Antonio Kingston (Mikel     Sandifer)

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Eilse Cook (Charlie); Wrishija Roy (Jill Borthwick)

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