Winner of Kentucky New Play Series, 2016


Ever wished you could go back in time and change something you did or something that happened to you? If given the chance, would you? Penny and Monica are given the opportunity to test a new cell phone app which will allow them to “RE DO IT” three times per day. Follow along with their choices in this short comedy full of twists and turns. The unintended consequences in this Modern Day Tech version of the Monkey’s Paw will leave you asking, if you could  go back… would you really?                 Cast: 1m, 2f and 1m/f, Running time 15 minutes, Comedy

#Theatre4Change: Technology, time travel, fate, decisions

*Cover Design: Penny Forman Photography

Performance History:

-Premiere, Kentucky State Fair, August

-Middlesboro, KY Evening of One Acts

#Theatre4Change: Technology, time travel, fate, decisions

*Cover Design: Penny Forman Photography