Proud to say, May I Have Your Attention, Please will soon be performed in another Canadian Province. Thanks, Newfoundland for spreading the message! #Theatre4Change
03/15/2017 Cartwright, Goose Bay NF
Who would have thought growing up that plays I wrote would be performed in 25 states, 3 Canadian Provinces and Scotland? I thought a performance in my classroom with my first drama kids was a big deal and never fathomed that the messages I wanted to share in my writing could reach beyond those walls. I am thankful to all those who choose my works each year to spread the messages in their own way. Here’s hoping that I get to update this map often and that soon, whether it be Christopher Borthwick from May I Have Your Attention, Please? or Jane from First Week of Jane or Bob and Betty from Boxes, that they all come alive on a stage somewhere to spread the message again to new audiences in new places.